How to store energy from photovoltaics? - Bau-Technik – Photovoltaics, Heat Pumps, Air Conditioning

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How to store energy from photovoltaics?

Date of publication: 26-08-2024
magazynowanie energii bau technik kopia

Photovoltaic panels are becoming an increasingly popular solution aimed at protecting the environment. The main driving force behind the development of photovoltaics is also the need to stabilize the grid, which is set to increase its share in renewable energy sources. Photovoltaics is also a way to save money. With panels, you can use solar energy to power your home and other buildings, instead of relying on grid electricity.

The energy harvested from the sun is not always fully utilized, as the demand for it varies throughout the year. The unused energy is fed back into the grid, where it can be retrieved at 80%. This is the most efficient solution for utilizing photovoltaics. As technology advances and the cost of energy storage decreases, it will become increasingly attractive, especially for consumers using electricity from a home photovoltaic system. In the future, stored energy may also be used in electric vehicles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Energy Storage

The biggest advantage of energy storage systems is that the prosumer can draw as much energy as has been produced by their installation. Photovoltaic systems thus allow for significant savings, as there is no need to draw and additionally pay for electricity from the grid. Storage systems are ideal in areas with difficult grid connections or those prone to frequent power outages.

A clear disadvantage of photovoltaic energy storage systems is their cost. These systems are more expensive than those connected to the grid, as the storage units are usually made of lithium-ion cells. However, the investment pays off within a few years after starting to use photovoltaic systems.

The goals set by the EU to increase the share of renewable energy sources encourage the development and implementation of storage technologies. Photovoltaics are becoming more efficient and accessible to everyone. Energy storage is the next step towards energy transformation and environmental protection.

Example of a photovoltaic system implementation